Thursday, September 29, 2011

Anime and Manga Fantasy Land

Summer 2011 semester I took an "upper" division liberal arts class which focused on the studies of anime and culture.  Hey I'm in Japan. lol

In any case a perk was that we got to take two field trips.  One was to Studio Pierrot where anime like Bleach and Naruto are made and the famous Ghibli Museum.

So I

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Front of Studio Pierrot where they make anime like Naruto and Bleach.

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Smaller scale replica of the Ninja Mount Rushmore from Naruto made out of sugar.

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
The drawing studio where they were drawing Naruto....before they said I couldnt take pictures..

Ghibli Museum
From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Path to rooftop garden from Castle in the Sky

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Walking up to the rooftop garden

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Rooft top garden

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
The magic black box from Castle in the Sky

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Robot from Castle in the Sky

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Artsier shot of same robot

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Spy shot of inside the museum. they didnt allow pictures or video

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Over grown structure near the studio which reminds me of castle in the sky...
okay the movie is not my favorite but the garden was neat therefore i was in the mood..

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!
Random abandoned swimming pool/spawning pool for mosquitos

Well thats it for now.  To sign off here's a comic depicting a very similar story in an alternative view.

From JDM Harry's Bizzare Adventures...であります!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Taiwan Escape

Since back home in California they just experienced a massive 3.4 earthquake at the time of this post, it made me remember a bit about the big Tohoku earthquake in Japan back in March 2011. After the earthquake the nuclear crisis and its leaking radiation scared many foreigners off. These included expats, students at my school some of the people I used to work with at MyGYM.

My roommates and I however, were concerned but not alarmed as we were closely monitoring the news as well as being 200+ miles away in Tokyo. However, to ease our worrying families we decided to leave Tokyo for a week and return a bit before our school scheduled to restart classes.

So after a few quick calls for last minute plane tickets, and a radiation scan at the airport we were in Taiwan.

From Taiwan 2011
Dollar Chicken

From Taiwan 2011

From Taiwan 2011
Turtle Blood..just one of a few exotic animals we ate

From Taiwan 2011
Sea Food Street Food

From Taiwan 2011
I help Feed the group

From Taiwan 2011
cooking the fruits of my labor

From Taiwan 2011
she had to deal with us like this everyday

From Taiwan 2011
survival mode

Rest of Album:
Taiwan 2011

Taiwan was fun, ghetto...but fun.

See you Next tIme!
From Taiwan 2011